Being Healthy on a Budget

We all want to be healthy, but there are many barriers to taking the first step: not knowing how to make positive changes, being strapped for time, and trying to stick to a strict budget. This blog article will address the third issue.

Ever since I switched my acupuncture practice in Worcester, MA to an affordable community acupuncture style, I have been more aware of how expensive it can be to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Organic foods cost extra, gym memberships are pricy, even a good pair of running shoes can be quite an investment. But I don’t want people to give up on being healthy. So, I have compiled several on-line articles that address solutions to the budget challenges that come with staying fit.

I apologize that most of these sites are commercial and so you will have to look at advertising as you ready the articles– even free advice is not entirely free these days! I don’t endorse any of these advertised products.

Free and Cheap Exercise Ideas:

  • This webpage is a compilation of 25 suggestions from different readers. Some of my favorites are: checking out offerings at the local community center, and renting exercise DVDs from the library.
  • This article from the Times Online (a magazine from the UK), begins with one woman’s story about giving up her gym membership and includes many helpful tips.
  • A short article from WebMD, this discusses the most essential equipment you can get on the cheap for a home gym.

Healthy Eating on a Budget:

  • The nutrition expert from the Today show offers practical shopping advice. I would only disagree with her on two things. It is important to get produce in a variety of colors in order to get the most nutritional benefit. Also, if you can afford to buy some organic produce, chose to buy organic versions of the fruits and veggies that are most heavily sprayed with pesticides. Here’s a list.
  • The University of Pittsburg Medical Center has a great tip list. My favorite is checking the unit price of groceries.
  • Finally, Menus 4 Moms has an article that includes specific low-cost food items and how to not feel deprived when you’re eating on the cheap.

Of course, the standard disclaimer applies here: don’t change your exercise or diet regimens without checking with your MD first.

Have I missed anything? Please leave a comment if you know of other resources or have additional suggestions.

In an ideal world, proper diet and exercise would prevent or cure most of our ailments. However, life happens and sometimes our bodies need a little help. If you would like to find out how acupuncture can help you get healthier while still maintaining your budget, please contact us.

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