Is Your Pain Caused by Aging?

It’s something I hear many times a day at work. When people talk about their pain or limited range of motion, they often attribute it to the aging process. We are conditioned in our society to think that growing older inevitably brings more pain and discomfort.

While there is a certain amount of wear and tear on our bodies as we get older, this does not automatically mean that we should expect to be in pain for the rest of our lives. Even when we have structural issues like arthritis or herniated discs, it is often the surrounding musculature that is causing the pain, not the bones themselves.

It can be helpful to think of moving our bodies as a skill that can be learned. Just like playing an instrument, learning a new language, or picking up a craft, we can improve the skill of movement with practice. In fact, most of us knew how to move freely as children, but due to repeated bad habits, accidents, and injuries, our body may have forgotten this freedom (in Somatics we call this “sensory-motor amnesia”).

Somatic movement lessons can help you re-learn how to balance the muscles of the body, allowing for a freer range of movement and less pain. No matter what shape your body is in, there is always room for improvement.

If you have ever attributed your pain to “getting old,” I challenge you to see how good you can feel after trying Somatic movement lessons.

And to make it easier for you, I am offering a free 45-minute “Somatics for the Aging Body” class on Monday, March 21 at 5:30pm. You can take this class from the comfort of your home via Zoom. All you need is space to lie down on the floor and a webcam to show your movements.

Sign up for the class here:

There is no age limit as to who can sign up for the class. Some of us feel old at 30, others feel young at 80! However, there are a limited number of spaces available, so sign up soon!

If you are not comfortable lying down on the floor, check out our seated classes at DTE.

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