
acupuncture hand
Acupuncture is a traditional form of medicine that began in China more than 2,000 years ago. Currently, it is practiced in nearly every area of the world.

Acupuncture is based on the flow of energy through pathways in the body. If these pathways become blocked, energy can get stuck. This can manifest as pain, swelling, weakness, or a number of different medical conditions. Acupuncture seeks to restore the smooth flow of energy through these pathways, creating balance and harmony in the body.

Treatments involve the insertion of single-use, sterile needles into specific points in the body. These needles are made of very fine stainless steel, which allows for minimal or no pain upon insertion. After the needles are inserted, patients may feel sensations around the acupuncture needles, such as itching, tingling, heaviness, or warmth.

Many modern studies have been done to discover the exact mechanism of how acupuncture works. Some theories believe that acupuncture affects the nervous system, the release of endorphins, or the connective tissue network.

Currently, to become a Licensed Acupuncturist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires a 3-year Master’s Degree, a clinical internship, and a national examination.

acupuncture figureMy Style of Acupuncture

Every acupuncturist has their own treatment style.  Over the past 20 years I have developed a way of treating that is gentle, respectful, and effective.  

I use primarily distal acupuncture.  This is a type of treatment that uses the areas of the body with some of the highest nerve concentrations– the hands, feet, and ears–  for their powerful effect on the central nervous system.  This means that I can often treat a condition without putting needles directly in the affected area.  For instance, I may treat back pain with points on the feet, or shoulder pain with points on the hand.  

In addition to the powerful effect on the brain, this way of treating means that there is less chance of flaring up an existing condition, and also means that you will almost never have to disrobe for treatment.  

I have also studied many other styles of acupuncture, including Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, and will use the treatment method most appropriate for you and your goals.

Conditions Treated

Since 1979, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized acupuncture as an appropriate treatment for a variety of conditions. These include:

Digestive and Urinary Problems: Constipation, Diarrhea, Incontinence, Irritable Bowel, Nausea, Stomach pain

Emotional Disorders: Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Insomnia, Stress

Pain Syndromes: Arthritis, Carpal tunnel/ Repetitive Strain, Facial and Dental pain, Fibromyalgia, Headaches / Migraines, Muscle pain, Nerve pain, Sciatica, Sprains

Respiratory Difficulties: Allergies, Asthma, Frequent colds, Sinus congestion

Women’s Health: Hot flashes, Infertility, Morning sickness, PMS, Painful or irregular menstruation

Other Conditions: Dizziness, Eye problems, Fatigue, Smoking cessation, Weight loss

If you have a disorder that is not listed above, please call our office to discuss.

Chinese medicine is also highly regarded as a way to maintain general wellness and to help prevent the occurrence of illness.

Ear Seeds

Ear seeds are small round pellets (made of vaccaria seeds, stainless steel, or gold-plated stainless steel) on adhesive discs.  They are placed on specific areas of the ear to stimulate certain acupuncture/acupressure points for various conditions.  Ear seeds are not needles; they stay on top of the skin, so they are great for people who may be sensitive to or afraid of needles.  They can be used at home, either on their own or as a way to extend the benefits of your acupuncture treatment.  You can find more information about ear seeds, and also support our office by purchasing through our affiliate link, at

Facial Rejuvenation Gua Sha

Facial rejuvenation gua sha involves a specialized stone tool and the use of gentle to medium-pressure strokes with the aim of creating a rejuvenated facial appearance.  Initial benefits can be seen after just one treatment and lasting benefits will continue with ongoing care.  Recipients of facial gua sha have noticed more sculpted jawlines, defined cheekbones, less puffy eyes, brightened complexions, reduced redness, clearer sinuses, and whole body relaxation.