Communicating with Your Unconscious Mind Part 3: The Parts of You

Do any of these sound familiar?

Part of me wants to stay up late watching Netflix… but another part of me knows that I should get a good night’s sleep.

Part of me wants to go on an international vacation… but part of me wants to stay closer to home.

Part of me wants to order pasta… but part of me wants chicken.

Part of me wants to change careers… but part of me thinks I should continue in the same job.

Everyone’s subconscious mind has different parts within it. This is quite natural. For instance, you wouldn’t want the part of you that likes to lounge at the pool show up at work (unless you’re a lifeguard)– you would be miserable! You wouldn’t want the part of you that does housework to show up at your best friend’s wedding. Or the part of you that loves to play with your pet to show up to a judo tournament!

What if you could communicate with the different parts of you to help them get the resources they need to be even better at their job? Or perhaps, find a job that suits them better?

In this workshop, I will guide you to “meet” two different parts of yourself. You will establish rapport with these parts and get to know their wants and needs. Get even better at your current life skills and change aspects of your life that may be holding you back. As you make these constructive changes, you can see the benefits ripple to all aspects of your life.

When: Tuesday, September 24 at 5:30-6:30pm

Where: Live online via Zoom

Cost: $35

This class is interactive and limited to 10 participants.

Sign up here.

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