Hypnosis for Ragweed Allergies

Do you start sneezing and get itchy and watery eyes when the ragweed starts blooming?

Would you like to reduce or even eliminate this response and have a more comfortable allergy season?

Join me for an online group workshop on Hypnosis for Ragweed Allergies!


When: Wednesday, August 21 at 5:30-7:00pm

Where: Live online via Zoom

Cost: Pay-what-you-can starting at $20 (future price will be $60)

Sign up here.


How can hypnosis help with seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies result from your immune system mistaking harmless pollen for something harmful that needs to be attacked. Although your immune system is trying its best to help you, it has gotten confused and is causing you distress. Hypnosis can help to modulate the immune response, reduce inflammation, and manage symptoms.

In this workshop, we will tackle the allergic response from several angles. This will include: seeking out the underlying reason for the allergic response using timeline therapy; reducing the stress response that contributes to inflammation with deep relaxation and the NLP allergy technique; and learning the control room protocol that you can continue to use yourself at home.

Mid-September is peak ragweed season, so this is your chance to get a handle on your allergies before then!


Disclaimer: The workshop “Hypnosis for Ragweed Allergies” is intended for educational and informational purposes only. The techniques and information provided are not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Participants should consult their healthcare provider before making any changes to their medication, treatment plan, or lifestyle.

A note on pay-what-you-can classes: I am offering pay-what-you-can pricing on most new workshops. Although I have used these techniques many times, the workshop as a whole will be something I haven’t taught before; participants are essentially the “beta testers” of the class. Pay-what-you-can will only be offered the first time I teach a workshop with a new theme, and minimum pricing is based on the length of the workshop. Future iterations of the class will be offered at market rates (given in parentheses next to the minimum pricing). When you register for a pay-what-you-can workshop, you will be given the opportunity to add an additional amount to the baseline pricing. While any additional payment is appreciated, please pick an amount that works for your budget.

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